Review: Vantastic White Chocolate with Smarties

More from our recent trip to Vx. Vegan white Chocolate with dark chocolate 'smarties'. German company Vantastic make a large range of vegan foods and some of it is available in the UK through Vx and Vegan Store. We recently reviewed their vegan white chocolate spread which was a little disappointing... and didn't contain any cocoa. These white chocolate bars have cocoa butter as the principal ingredient so at least they're authentic... but are they any good?

Who could resist the appeal of white chocolate with colourful smarties embedded in it... these bars certainly have shelf appeal. The white chocolate is the perfect creamy colour too, unlike some of the bars in our recent Vegan White Chocolate Taste Test

These bars use lupin flour, which is similar to soya flour, as the milky ingredient. This does give them a certain graininess or flouriness which detracts from their smoothness. The chocolate is sweet and pleasant though and would pass the kid test. The smarties or 'buntinies' as Vantastic call them are dark chocolate, with quite a crunchy sugar shell. We like the contrast of white and dark chocolate but the crunch is a little too hard within the melt-in-the mouth white chocolate.

We don't think Vantastic would have topped our white chocolate Taste Test. The Sweet William and Organica brands are better. It's certainly close though and Vantastic's product is miles better than the hard sticky white chocolate that Plamil produce. We recommend you try some when you're next at Vx.

Verdict: Smart Chocolate

Veganoo Score: ★★★★☆
Vantastic White Chocolate with Buntinies

Footnote: Ingredients
Here is the ingredients panel from the pack we reviewed (German only).

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