Showing posts with label Zest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zest. Show all posts

Vegan Shopper: Ethical Superstore

Ethical Superstore online vegan shop

It's now easy to find vegan food in your local shops, but sometimes you need to shop online to find the brands you love, or those hard to find products. Ethical Superstore is a long established online shop, selling all things ethical, including a huge vegan range. The company sent us a selection of their vegan products so that we could spread the word:

The Pesto Testo: Vegan Pesto Taste Test

vegan pesto taste test: Florentino, Suma, Sunita, Zest

The expanding vegan grocery market in the UK means we easily laid our hands on four brands of vegan pesto for our taste test. A decade ago you had to make your own; now we can compare who makes the best stuff for us to buy. These are four very different takes on we'll see in our vegan pesto taste test.