
UK Review: Vegenaise Mayo

Vegenaise Egg-free vegan mayo UK

Another US import that arrived with a buzz this year. Follow Your Heart's egg-free mayo is labelled 'Better than Mayo'. The range available in the UK includes plain, organic, soya-free and grapeseed oil varieties. The standard and organic versions are soya based, combining soybean oil with soy protein. How does it compare with Plamil and other UK mayos?

American mayo may not be quite the same as the UK stuff. This certainly tastes sweeter and more like salad cream. It made us grab the ingredients panel looking for sugar, which is there in the form of rice syrup. 

Vegenaise has a different texture to Plamil, which is the leading brand in the UK. It's not quite as smooth or as thick, but it's a little more creamy coloured than Plamil.

That little bit of sweetness is not so apparent once the mayo it put to use. On a potato salad it coats the potatoes just fine, and makes for a tasty condiment.

We also used it in a vegetable salad, where the extra juice from the veg watered the mayo down a little and made it runnier. Again, it's hard to fault as a general purpose mayo.

Round Up

Vegenaise is twice the price of Plamil, although the standard jar is bigger. As an alternative, it's fine, but it's not necessarily worth paying over the odds for. If you're looking for a slightly sweeter mayo, then Vegenaise will appeal.

We've never actually reviewed Plamil mayo, as it's one of those vegan essentials in the UK that everyone has tried (and loved). We have taste tested various brands of squeezy egg-free mayo though, and you can find that review here.

Veganoo Score: ★★★
Follow Your Heart - Vegenaise (Organic) - Egg Free Mayo
The Good: Great all purpose mayo
The Not-so-Good: Expensive and sweetened

Footnote: Ingredients

Here is the ingredients panel from the pack we reviewed.

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  1. I love Veganaise so much more than Plamil! I find Plamil a little too vinegary and texturally I think that Veganaise is closer to Helman's.

    1. Never thought of Plamil as vinegary, but it does have cider vinegar in.

  2. indeed, I find plamil absolutely vile. both vegenaise and just mayo are about 70% of the way to being like genuine mayo.. I'd give plamil 20 tops.

    1. Yeah, can't wait to try Just Mayo but the ingredients are nothing novel. Have you seen it in the UK?

    2. FYI I've managed to get Just Mayo imported on two occasions, it's insanely hard to get hold of but it is by far THE best vegan mayo I have ever had the pleasure of trying. The last website I used has since been shut down so I've just paid ridiculous shipping and customs costs for the next batch, I feel like this may be my last for a long time so I'm going to try and make it last!!

    3. Blimey Alison, you must love mayo and Just Mayo must be pretty special!

    4. If it helps you can get it at a lot of stores in Bristol like (Harvest on Gloucester Rd and Vx Bristol in Bedminster) ;-D


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